Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment


Aquenal offers a comprehensive service for Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) in marine, estuarine and coastal habitats.

Aquenal’s team are specialists in coordinating and conducting formal assessment of potential impacts on marine ecosystems, with in-depth knowledge of marine environments in a range of project areas. Aquenal conducts assessments for a wide range of developments and activities, such as aquaculture proposals, infrastructure projects, dredging and port developments, marinas and foreshore developments, offshore exploration and production activities and private tourism proposals.

Aquenal’s services incorporate background reviews, specialist marine field studies, identification of key environmental issues, application of risk matrices, and preparation of mitigation measures and management plans to address marine environmental concerns (such as threatened species, marine pest management, oil spill and waste management). Utilising Aquenal’s field operations unit and academic skill, Aquenal can undertake the complete EIA process, or the specialist marine component through collaborative projects.